The Storms


There is a fragile poise that marks this day

Drawn away from the storms 

And the poison of feeling unfulfilled in any way  

In one breath I wish I knew everything  

And I wish I could take the pain

Away from its source

Whatever we define as a storm has shaken us

It wears away at what we once knew

Until we bear the unfamiliar stares  

And we wait for the truth 

To calm what we have left  

I don't know when the pain ends

Or if it could leave my command  

Would it run its course 

Enough for us to listen and know

The familiar is not with us any more

This season has drifted us

How do we trust

When everything keeps falling from our grasp

To look in our eyes drowning  

No, Lord this must pass  

For what we see spreads confusion

Instead of what remains deep within us

And knows more

It will pass, it will pass

We will know more, the God that lives within us




The Wall