Trevor McCauley

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A Reminder

One of the easiest things to do is to lose focus.  Whether we become mired in negative self talk, and inward focused or we have too many irons in the fire and have too many outward distractions, the need for focus can be an every day battle.

For me reading and writing down what I read has been a source helping me redefine my approach everyday.  When I was away from college, I had a real hard time adapting to everyday life, and keeping myself mentally sharp.  I was fortunate at that time to find work close by that I could easily walk to.  But it was a struggle that 10 minute walk to and from work, and the fight to stay positive was grueling.

I was fortunate that I picked up Norman Vincent Peale's book the Power of Positive Thinking. Its pages became my instruction manual for my life at that critical moment.  I was so taken by the book that I would write down quotes and put them on index cards and read them constantly to and from work.  That was a blessing, it made that season of transition more focused and it re-energized that time I spent away from college.

These days I am filled with quite the opposite situation: I have so much pending, so many projects, or volunteer opportunities that I am swamped with options, waiting for the shoe to fall.  This is a equally frustrating time because in the abundance of choices, you become stifled to make good decisions now.  Even for me now I need reminders of what is most important to me.  One of the things I did recently was post a photograph by my bathroom mirror of a symphony hall, its there to remind me that every day I am working towards the goal of writing beautiful music that will be heard by thousands one day.

The key no matter what season you are in is to find what motivates you.  Is it a quote, is it picture of a place where you'd like to like?  Put something in front of you that will remind you now, that your goals, and dreams are measurable and attainable. When we have this concrete point of focus we can gain momentum and we can sift through our noise and move closer to our vision.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this message!